Feb2320094:29 pm

Milestones in Intercultural Relations Conference at AU

American University is holding its 10th annual Conference on Intercultural Relations March 12-13.  It seems like an intriguing event, complete with “varied, hands-on experiences for a niche group of individuals concerned with advanced intercultural relations,” and Carol Bellamy, the president and CEO of World Learning and a profilee in our book, as the keynote speaker (she’s pretty amazing). The price tag is pretty steep though, even for alumni.

Check out more on the conference on AU’s alumni website, and on the Intercultural Management Institute website too.

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One Response to “Milestones in Intercultural Relations Conference at AU”

  1. GG says:

    Don’t they know we’re at the bottom of an economic hole? You should just kind of sidle (sp?) your way in then act like you’re supposed to be there. No need to pay $200/$350. Works every time.

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