Sep9201510:30 am

Congressional Internships – Ideal Building Blocks

In Working World, Mark and I discuss the importance of having “building blocks” on your resume. These are experiences that show you have survived a rigorous vetting process and are capable of working effectively in a challenging or fast-paced environment. For example, when I was interviewing candidates at the Institute of International Education or NCIV (now Global Ties U.S.), I was always pleased to see Peace Corps volunteer, Experiment in International Living Group Leader, or study abroad experience on a resume.

Serving as a Congressional Intern is also one of those impressive building blocks.  David Roman, who participated in a Career Coffee I conducted late last year, recently joined the Office of Senator Dianne Feinstein.  He just shared the list and bios of the Spring 2015 Interns sponsored by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.
Each of these interns will have a notable building block to add to his or her resume.  What are the building blocks on your resume?  You should be able to distill the lessons you learned from each in an interview
Serving as a Congressional Intern is also one of those impressive building blocks.  David Roman, who participated in one of the Career Coffees that I conduct, joined the office of Senator Dianne Feinstein earlier this year. He just shared the list and bios of the Spring 2015 Interns sponsored by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. Each of these interns will have a notable building block to add to his or her resume. What are the building blocks on your resume?  You should be able to distill the lessons you learned from each of those building blocks in a job interview.

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