Jun420092:29 pm

Is a year abroad better than just a semester? ctd. again

Here’s something I didn’t come across during the NAFSA conference (I can’t imagine how I missed anything there…[note sarcasm due to exceedingly large scale of conference proceedings]): research reporting that “even short-term study abroad seems to lead to improvements in students’ sense of ‘global citizenship’ and their attitudes, knowledge and skills about cross-cultural issues”—especially pertinent in light of several discussions (here and here) on the topic of short-term v. long-term study abroad.

The most intriguing comment: “At least in the reflection of the participants 5, 10, 15 years down the road, profound growth can happen.” Study abroad can and often is about learning skills in the short run: language and cultural skills, regional and country specific knowledge. But the longer effects of a study abroad experience on a person’s worldview and career choices, though never the most immediate, are often the most profound.


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