Dec1020083:13 pm

Georgetown gets $75 million

A surprising and not unwelcome announcement just came out of Georgetown’s (my employer, in case you forgot) Office of Communications and is now being picked up by the Washington Post and other news outlets: the university received its largest donation ever, an estate gift of $75 million to support faculty compensation and research, technology, and staffing infrastructure.  No real career connection here, perhaps other than to note that the benefactor, Robert L. McDevitt, graduated from the arts and sciences school here at Georgetown.  I think this serves as another reminder to us liberal arts majors fretting that our course of study will take us nowhere: yes we can.

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One Response to “Georgetown gets $75 million”

  1. Gabrielle Matthews says:

    Hear hear! Thanks for the reminder that a liberal arts degree doesn’t necessarily lead to standing on a street corner with a cardboard sign that reads “will compose lyrical poetry for nourishment.”

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