Dec920082:00 pm

Senator Drescher is one thing, but PD Envoy Drescher?

Some very disturbing news from CNN’s Political Ticker:  Fran Drescher, the actress of “The Nanny” fame, may be seeking Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat.  What’s perhaps even more disturbing is that in the article, Drescher is described as a “women’s health advocate and public diplomacy envoy for the U.S. State Department.”  Hold up.  So Fran Drescher is being used to better the image of our country?  Sending out The Kid is one thing, but subjecting on the world someone with an “adenoidal voice that could strip the rust off an engine block” and then hoping that they’ll like us better afterwards seems an ill-informed move indeed.

(Props to Ari Gerstman for the lead on this.)

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