Oct29200811:59 am

Idealists as Social Entrepreneurs

As you might imagine because I am the senior partner in this intergenerational dialogue with Mark, blogging is a new venture for me.  Writing in a more formal style comes more naturally.  Nonetheless, I suspect I will adapt to – and ultimately relish – this spontaneous style of communication (like I have a choice :-) ). 

I am posting an engaging article that appeared last week in The Washington Post.  Entitled “For This Generation, Vocations of Service,” it speaks to the basic assumption of Working World – that our readers want to make a difference in this turbulent world of ours.  Mark and I wrote a book for idealists – people who want to change the world – make it better.  So much of the emphasis in our culture in recent decades has been on short term gratification and material success.  Yet those who are most happy are, as Albert Schweitzer phrased it, those “who have learned to serve.”   

His is one of the three quotations we highlight in the beginning of the book.  Enjoy reading about the social entrepreneurs highlighted in the Post article.

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